November 2, 2023


Washed Ashore
Part 1
Photo by Pixabay
Read Time: 1 minute

The Impetus

Antsy and dissatisfied.

For years, Anne Phyfe and I had been talking about a Big Adventure — a yearlong sailboat cruise. Now, we were serious about it. Serious enough to buy the boat. We had committed to the adventure and the big purchase it required. At last, freedom felt possible…

Feeling trapped after years of raising kids, paying a mortgage, and working, working, working.

Yes, I see the writing on the wall; this doesn’t go on forever; life comes to an end. What are my dreams? Will any of them happen? When? Approaching fifty, a sense of urgency floats to the surface.

This isn’t to say my life was bad or that I lack gratitude for my good fortune.

Having transplanted to Seattle as a high school dropout and erstwhile sailing vagabond (more on this later) with a preponderance of cynicism and angst relative to my education level and professional prospects, I’d sort of “made my way in the world.”

Nevertheless, I’m antsy.

Continue reading…


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I’m writing these stories to promote my professional practice, Moonraker Creative, LLC. And to clear my head. I hope you enjoy reading this series about the voyage of Sweet Adeline, interspersed with the occasional post about a project or related musing. 


Thanks for visiting and hope you come back soon. If you have any questions, comments, or a project you'd like to discuss, please send a message through my Contact page.